Vestibular Pathways Involved in Cognition

Our understanding of the magnitude and importance of vestibular contributions to processes throughout the brain and body continues to broaden, fueling a resurgence in the research and application of vestibular stimulation.

Vestibular pathways involved in cognition, is a comprehensive article that reviews recent discoveries of vestibular pathways in the brain that extend far beyond the role of balance:

"Recent discoveries have emphasized the role of the vestibular system in cognitive processes such as memory, spatial navigation and bodily self-consciousness. A precise understanding of the vestibular pathways involved is essential to understand the consequences of vestibular diseases for cognition, as well as develop therapeutic strategies to facilitate recovery."

By combining vestibular stimulation with interactive sensorimotor exercises, GyroStim challenges cognitive and physical processes that drive balance, reaction time, hand-eye coordination, mental acuity, spatial awareness and situational awareness.

Research conducted over the past couple of decades suggests that vestibular stimulation may be used to help dizziness and balance disorders, sensorimotor system function, cerebral palsy, concussion, TBI, Parkinson's disease, developmental and learning disabilities, endocrine disorders, cardiovascular and circulatory function, sleep disorders, the nervous system, and as discussed above, cognitive function, stress and mental health. Visit our Vestibular Research Library to learn more.


Hitier, M., Besnard, S., & Smith, P. F. (2014). Vestibular pathways involved in cognition. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience, 8, 59.


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