GyroStim for Motion Sickness (Yeah, you read that right!)

Many of the videos featuring GyroStim on social media show someone wildly spinning then changing directions quickly, whirling upside down, and going crazy fast. Why? Because those videos are exciting to watch.

What you don't see are therapy sessions that start low and slow and gradually increase in intensity, but not before the person in the chair is ready.

As you might imagine, when someone posts a video of GyroStim on social media, people who are unfamiliar with the technology post all manner of creative comments about motion sickness…and its associated symptoms…in colorful detail. (Ironically, GyroStim is frequently used to treat motion sickness).

We understand this reaction, however, we have also grown immune to it. This begs the question, ‘Do people get sick in the GyroStim?’

The answer is, NO. And here's why: Intensity progression is driven by incremental advancement based on both subjective and objective data---a fancy way of saying: no one goes faster, or, upside down until they demonstrate they are ready for it. GyroStim is not a carnival ride, it’s a medical device designed to recondition people to perceive, process, and react to the surrounding environment through gradual repetitious opportunity.

The video above shows intensity levels 1, 3, and 5. Those numbers denote the number of revolutions the GyroStim will make in one minute. The videos you see online are usually closer to 30 revolutions per minute. In both cases, the person in the chair is working within their own motion tolerance, meaning at an intensity that does not evoke motion sickness.

When GyroStim treatment or training is applied in this progressive, incremental manner, people do not experience motion intensity or challenge beyond what they can tolerate. 
To address vestibular and balance dysfunction symptoms like brain fog, headache, nausea, or dizziness, the GyroStim introduces motion to the patient at extremely low intensity and in only one direction. For those who are observing, this looks painfully mild while to the patient, this can be a tremendous challenge.

Little by little the intensity and complexity of motion are increased, and interactive targeting is introduced. Based on subjective feedback from the patient, and objective data collected by the system. The clinician will decide whether to increase the level of challenge and intensity, keep it the same, or lower it. GyroStim's data-driven progression actually protects the patient from over-stimulation.

Besides all of that science, consider simple logic. GyroStim has spun millions of times in eight different countries, has FDA approval, and has FDA Designation as a Breakthrough Medical Device. Wouldn't it be terribly difficult for a technology to gain that level of success if its defining characteristic was to make people feel worse than when they started?

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