A Methodology for Applying Vestibular Stimulation
The focus of this blog is the application of vestibular stimulation and sensorimotor exercise to a variety of conditions known to be impacted by the vestibular system. For the purpose of furthering this discussion we are dprosposing the exploration of the GyroStim methodology as a means for delivering this stimulation and exercise.
In Practice:
The GyroStim method is based on the premise that in order to improve one or more aspects of human performance you must challenge it. GyroStim is designed to challenge the three fundamental processes that drive many aspects of human performance:
- PERCEIVE: Detailed information about what is happening around you is sensed through the eyes (vision), body (proprioception), ears (hearing), vestibular system (balance), and other senses, and sent via the peripheral nervous system to the brain.
- PROCESS: Sensory information about the environment is received, coordinated, and distributed throughout the brain, igniting a cascade of processing activity as the brain goes to work, forming an appropriate response to the perceived sensory information.
- REACT: Once the perceived sensory information has been processed, and a response has been formulated, signals from the brain are fired throughout the body to execute the intended reaction.
Human Performance exists at the intersection of Perceive, Process, and React, as illustrated in the Venn diagram above. It is the sum total of our physical and cognitive ability to interact with the world.
In Practice:
The GyroStim, in practice, trains the brain and body to work better together as one complete human “system." GyroStim exercises and challenges brain processing activities and sensorimotor systems throughout the body that enable you to perceive, process, and react with your surrounding environment.
GyroStim provides clinicians, athletic trainers, and researchers with a powerful and precise new tool for delivering repetitious stimulation, exercises, and challenges to the brain and sensorimotor systems throughout the body.
GyroStim can rotate 360 degrees continuously in multiple axes and at varying rates of speed and intensity. During this experience, the subject is typically tasked to interact with the surrounding environment by hitting laser targets that come in and out of view. The subject may also be given verbal cognitive, memory, or mathematical exercises.
The GyroStim method uses a variety of internal and external stimuli along with variable combinations of speed, intensity, and input provides incremental challenges to an individual’s ability to perceive, process, and react to.
The foundation of GyroStim training is sensorimotor challenge. It stimulates brain cells to “fire together so that they will wire together” in new, more productive, efficient ways. Here's a look at how GyroStim accomplishes this:
- Each training session is consists of multiple "runs", each separated by a short rest period. Runs are typically thirty to sixty seconds each but can be shorter or longer as needed.
- During each run, subjects experience a prewritten “motion profile”. Motion profiles are identified in terms relative intensity from 1RPM to 30RPM. For example, a Level 3 profile consists of a gentle, predictable and repeating pattern of rocking (pitch) and rotating (yaw) motions at 3 RPM. Level 4 is similar but with a slightly greater pitch and yaw motion than Level 3, and moves at 4 RPM. Higher levels increase in intensity and eventually include continuous 360-degree rotations and motions that are randomized and not predictable, adding to the training challenge.
- GyroStim has a library of pre-written motion profiles that cover a broad spectrum of intensity and duration. These profiles are used to create a customized experience that targets the specific needs and abilities of each subject.
- As the subject’s ability to perceive, process, and react improves ---evidenced through data collected on the number of target hits (objective) and symptomatic response (subjective)--- he is incrementally advanced through more challenging levels of speed and intensity. In addition, he may be tasked with specific cognitive exercises during the runs to increase the challenge and complexity of the training session further.
- The intensity of each run, number of runs per session, and total number of sessions are driven by the specific objectives for GyroStim training. A person using GyroStim as he recovers from injury or illness, will progress more slowly and train with different profiles than an athlete training to improve sports performance.