DID YOU KNOW: GyroStim Has a Wide Range of Speeds & Intensities

DID YOU KNOW? GyroStim moves at one RMP increments from 1 RPM to 30 RPM; some profiles invert, some do not. 

You may see videos of GyroStim of people moving VERY SLOW or VERY FAST in GyroStim:
  • People going slow are either just starting their training, or are addressing a specific rehabilitation goal.
  • People going fast started their training with very slow motion profiles and worked up to the faster profiles over a period of time.
Before you decide that GyroStim is too fast or too slow for you, your patients, athletes or research...check our home page (http://www.gyrostim.com), and, video page (www.gyrostim.com/videos.html) to see the full range of intensities.

Jump to our video page!

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