
Showing posts from February, 2018

BEYOND BALANCE: Vestibular Contributions to Cardiovascular and Circulatory Functions

The human vestibular system goes far beyond just helping us stand upright and move without falling. It plays a role in many functions that are essential to human life.  Here are several scientific studies about how the vestibular system interacts with cardiovascular and circulatory function. This review considers the integration of vestibular and other signals by the central nervous system pathways that participate in balance control and blood pressure regulation, with an emphasis on how this integration may modify posture-related responses in accordance with behavioral context. McCall, Andrew & Miller, Derek & Yates, Bill. (2017). Descending Influences on Vestibulospinal and Vestibulosympathetic Reflexes . Frontiers in Neurology. 8. 112. Stress is a major public health problem, which affects most of the systems of the body. It was hypothesized that vestibular stimulation inhibits both the stress axis in direct and indirect ways and relieves stress. Assessment of st...